Friday, August 29, 2014

Finding my way

I have (so far) successfully avoided "liking" or posting anything to Facebook for 48 hours.  It has been tempting, especially since my friends have been taunting me and trying to push my buttons to get me to respond.  There have been a number of things I have found funny or interesting that I wanted to share with my friends, but instead of posting to FB, I called, I e-mailed, I texted, I shared in person.  
know I enjoyed seeing and hearing people's responses to dumb jokes, more than just their comments of, "oh, that's so dumb, yet funny."  Yet, it is difficult not participating in a forum where all my friends hang out.  I also think about how unimportant all my dumb ramblings are, my positions on current events.  Me ranting on an electronic bulletin board isn't really changing the world or my life.  It's just one more yip in the crowded electronic playground.  It's also as Betty White so aptly said, "a major time suck."  

So what about blogging?  That takes more time and thought than FB.  Isn't that also a time suck?  I don't think it is in the same way.  I don't have the need to sit at my computer all day waiting for responses or new postings while blogging, like I do with FB.  FB is like an addiction.  You constantly need to satisfy it.  It is an ever present object in the back of your mind, its needs always waiting to be met.  It's like popping M&Ms all day.  They taste good initially, there's a little satisfaction in the flavor, but they are not a meal.  FB doesn't ever satisfy.  You really never have anything to show for your time.  So I hope not only do I manage to stay away for a week, but that I will break away permanently.

Now, as for blogging, maybe my ramblings here are equally as unimportant, but here, I have more control, can add more depth and detail, and it feels like a journal.  I love going back through my blog and remembering things I've thought and done over the years.  I don't do that with FB.  Everything on FB is disposable and doesn't matter after it's been posted.  


CyberKitten said...


OldLady Of The Hills said...

I think that is why Facebook doesn't interest me, besides the fact that they are/were SOOOO Invasive!
Blogging has much more depth and you can write as extensively as you want and/or need to.....

Keep on Blogging my dear!!!

OldLady Of The Hills said...

I think that is why Facebook doesn't interest me, besides the fact that they are/were SOOOO Invasive!
Blogging has much more depth and you can write as extensively as you want and/or need to.....

Keep on Blogging my dear!!!

wstachour said...

For me, blogging is more an outlet for writing. It's a space where I organize my thoughts and try to put them in sone coherent form. FB is definitely NOT that, and I think often about how little impact ANYTHING I have to say on FB has. True, my blog has no impact on anyone either, but it's nourishing to me to engage.

That seems the whole banana, really. FB is too often toxic and negative, and while I think it's important that we engage and not have our heads in the sand, yet there seems little benefit in just grousing about things.

Anyway. I'm interested in your thoughts and how it all plays out for you, as I think I struggle with the same issue (in my own way).

For CK the book lover