Monday, September 14, 2015

All good things . . .

 I had an awesome visit with my son, daughter, and her fiance.  Plus my niece and her two children came up for an overnight.  We spent a day in Canada (despite the pouring rain) and did the boat ride up to Niagara Falls, took the incline railcar, had a fabulous lunch, hiked around, and then the next day we did the U.S. side of the Falls, a lot more hiking, and had lots of fun talking over meals at the kitchen table and sharing laughs. 

After they left today, I walked back in the house, saw all the empty chairs in the kitchen that we squeezed around the little round table.  We have a huge dining room table that we all could have eaten around, but chose to squeeze 6 adults and 2 kids around a table meant for 4.  We made good memories, but the sight of all those empty chairs seemed too abrupt for my heart, so I turned around immediately, grabbed the dog and went to take him for a run.  I'd deal with the empty, quiet house, and these emotions later.

1 comment: said...

sounds like fun. its great to make new memories. My dad and his girl friend are coming to visit on friday. I don't know how to feel about it really. But anyway glad you had fun and got to make new memories with everyone.

For CK the book lover