Friday, August 31, 2018

Still dropping the weight

45 pounds / 3.2 stone / 20.4 kg later, who knew it would take a severe food allergy for me to finally lose the weight.  The only thing I’ve changed in my diet is I have stopped eating grains, but I eat everything else.  I’ve also started running, again, hopefully this time all this will stick.


CyberKitten said...

WOW! Maybe I should give up bread... [muses].... and breakfast cereal..... Not sure about actually *running* though! [lol]


VV said...

I splurged yesterday at brunch and had some wheat, because cinnamon rolls are very tempting. I was sick all day yesterday, into the night, and am still nauseous and have a stomach ache this morning. So just in case I get any foolish ideas again that I can get away with going back to my old ways, the answer is no, absolutely not. 🙁

For CK the book lover