We now have 72 very happy garlic plants popping up, M has also planted potatoes, onions, spinach, cilantro, basil, peas, zucchini, and tomatoes. I got some 2 year old asparagus plants for her to plant this year. Every year I ask her to plant asparagus and every year she says, it takes a couple of years before you get any asparagus, but then never plants it. So this year I found the plants and now I'm politely reminding her to plant them. :-)
Apparently all my bulbs enjoyed the snowy Winter and wet Spring because they're all coming up this year. We had a huge number that never flowered last year. We have Jonquils.
Both our peach and pears trees are flowering.
We have Daffodils.
Our Phlox is flowering all over the property. We also have new buds on our Red Maple trees, new buds on both our lilac bushes and our Dogwood trees are also in bloom. This is the prettiest time of year around here. Hope you're getting good weather where you are.
We had a beautiful weekend with thunderstorms and then snow on Friday again.. Just a little bit but still. wont it ever go away this year.. I am wearing shorts right now and dont want to put them away again..
Very nice pic's. It was 75 here today, however on Tuesday high 45-50. John just itching to get going.
Oh how I wish you lived closer, we just hired a landscape designer to help us 'design' our front lawn... we are completely useless at gardening.
The blueprints look great, I love the way it 'will' look, but now comes the part where we gotta plant it all, so much hard work, what if we mess it up?
Your expertise would come in handy just about now.
BY the way, I have never seen a garlic plant rising from the ground before just now, interesting...hmmm
We're no experts. We're of the "grandma's yard" frame of mind. Our yard and our plantings are just like grandma use to have, very low maintenance, no pesticides, and if it's not hardy enough to survive our neglect, it was never worth planting to begin with. So we have bushes, bulbs and trees that you can mow around, nothing fancy. Other than the garlic, which is also a "plant it forget about it" type plant, M does all the food gardening. I do have all my berries out back (raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, blackberries) but you don't need to fuss over them either. I wished I lived closer too, the Pacific Northwest is the most gorgeous place on earth for those of us who enjoy mountains, cooler temps and not too much sun.
No e-mail on no yarn. resend it and let me know whats up.. e-mail is niksmix2011 at gmail dot com
Okay, I sent it to a different e-mail address.
Saw "Source Code" tonight. I really liked it. My friend CQ hated it though... [grin]
sorry about that. thought you had the new e-mail.. but yes i got it today and responded.. thanks again.
Such a BEAUTIFUL BEAUTIFUL Spring, my dear...Everything looks fantastic! Soooo Happy!
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