Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Year's Resolution

I have been living in a rush, trying to do too much, for far too many years. I fear my friendships and personal relationships have suffered as a result. So this year I vow to take time and make time for others.

To take one's time, to make time, to spend time -
to go as slow as one wants or needs to; to use as much time as is required, to stop what you're doing to help another, to sit down and talk with a friend. Live life as if there is no hurry.

Use your heart, your hands, your feet -
Walk to work, to the grocery store, to the ice cream shop, to the farmer's market, make things with your hands for people who matter to you, invite someone out on sunny day, to walk in the woods, to have brunch, have a tea party, float in kayaks with friends because the journey is more important than the destination.

Write poetry, play with make-up and jewelry, go visit friends who are far away, then spend all the time you need, doing things they like to do. Give of yourself, think of others, do for others


OldLady Of The Hills said...

THese are some wonderful Resolutions, my dear...! I hope you accomplish much of what you want to, in 20131

CyberKitten said...

There is no present like time.

VV said...

Happy New Year Naomi. You know, visiting you is on my list of things to do. I will be in WA and BC this summer, but don't think I can get to CA, but, ou never know.

CK, great line! You and I will meet one day too, damn ocean. ;-)

wstachour said...

Three cheers for all of these. I want to *be* in the world rather than *be doing.*

I hope you two have every good thing in the new year!

nbrsspot.blogspot.com said...

wow i have been missing again. hope you have a great year.

VV said...

Happy New Year Wunelle and Nicole!

CK, here’s the tattoo

  From sketch to transfer to tattoo