Monday, February 16, 2009

Hold On - Spring Is Coming!

So I've been watching the leaves of some of my Daffodils, Tulips and other unknown bulbs slowly popping their heads up through the ground. I know Spring is coming, I just know it! This weekend was gorgeous, cool, crisp and very sunny. The Ivy has started growing in the side yard again and for right now, I'm ripping it up as fast as it comes up, which isn't too fast. I know soon the weeds will arrive and M will begin planning her garden and digging up the side yard again. I've changed my header (above) to a picture of the Cherry Blossoms in Washington, D.C. in honor of Spring coming.

Did you know there's actually a piece of classical music for Spring? It's jaunty like a lively new bunny in the Spring. Get in the mood, because contrary to the snow on the ground and the temperatures outside - SPRING IS COMING!!


tshsmom said...

Not HERE! We just got 9 more inches of snow...and it's still snowing! *grumble*

VV said...

I'm so sorry. Wish you could send it here. We never did get any real snow amounts this year. *sigh*

For CK the book lover