Saturday, December 5, 2009

Cookie Exchange

Well we had our cookie exchange today, in addition to rolling out sugar and gingerbread dough and making even more cookies, like 10 dozen for each person wasn't enough. :-)

We had a good size group there, large enough to be fun, without having too many people to crowd the kitchen.

Everyone took turns in each phase of the assembly line so no one missed out on any aspect of the festivities.

As an added bonus, our hostess invited some friends from the Baltimore/D.C. area to join us. They drove 2-3 hours each way! Anyway, one of the ladies worked for the State Department and in particular the "Voice of America" radio program. She brought a tape machine and interviewed all of us about the cookie exchange, why we did it, what we planned to do with the cookies, how did this tie into Christmas, etc. It will air (with translations) in China. I don't know if we can access it on-line. I'll check later.

So as you can imagine, the room smelled fantastic with all the cookies baking in rotation in the oven and the room was cheery with the lively talk and laughter of so many nice and interesting people. What a great gathering.

Here' a shot of someone rolling out Bourbon nut balls.

Here's a shot of one of the many types of cookies people made 10-11 dozen of ahead of time and brought for the exchange. So after our exchange, it was back to work. M and I both have tons of school work to do. I've been trying to slog through 105 very long papers.

It's going so slowly. I just can't think what is interfering with my grading, "can you Mickey?"


tshsmom said...

Nice looking Peanut Blossoms! Those are L's favorite. I'll be making ours tomorrow.

We made 14 doz sugar cookies yesterday. I have the same Santa and Christmas tree cookie cutters that you guys used.

I think Mickey is trying to de-stress you. Our pets know our moods all too well, don't they? ;)

VV said...

Mickey is my daughter's cat. We have a tolerate/hate relationship. He'll come over and lay across me like that and if I move or try to reposition him, he'll bite me. Little S.O.B. I think we're still competing for the alpha position in the house. He thinks he's the alpha and can't figure out why I haven't learned that yet.

tshsmom said...

My daughter had a white rat like that. If SME handed Lucy to me, she was fine. BUT, if I reached into her cage she'd bite me.

OldLady Of The Hills said...

What a GREAT thing to do, plus such a lot of fun, too!
My friend Hanna, whom I wrote about quite extensively after she died in May of 2008 worked at The Voice Of America back in the
1950's after she came here to the U.S. from Hungary, as an "On Air" person....How really wonderful that they came out to interview you all. It's nice to know they are still around and actively functioning all these years later.

CK, here’s the tattoo

  From sketch to transfer to tattoo