The Spring semester began yesterday. I begin my Tuesday/Thursday teaching schedule today, and I'm still really tired from last semester. Don't get me wrong, I am _extremely_ grateful to have any job, and thankful I have two. Also, of the jobs I have, only one is ever very stressful. They're not very physically taxing, so why do I feel like I desperately need to take a couple weeks off and I haven't even really begun this semester? I worry that I'm becoming a whiner. Maybe I should just focus on decluttering the life I have and continue to work toward not over-extending myself. I began that last semester, and it really has made a difference, but I just feel I need to do something more to de-stress and relax. I'm not sure why. Tell me about your stresses so I'll realize I don't have it anywhere near as bad as others.
Boy oh Boy not really sure why I feel the need to even take the time to express this, my writting is not the most expressive or clear with thoughts.
More and more I think that people in general, are working harder not smarter. Just because our jobs are not physically changling, think that is a great majority of all of our problems, we sit on our butts in front of a computer or stand in one place waiting on someone else, day after day and year after year. If there was some physical activity involved daily, we would be able to expend some of our stress. But alas we have to take more time after working 8 to 12 hours a day to go find or do some sort of physical activity. If you are finding time to do this you go girl. My thoughts are you should be tired. Finding it very hard to change myself, and expetations of me by other people. And the word every infant learns (NO) (no) and no thank you. Age plays a very large part. I'ts ok to whine hopefully someone is there to listen for a little while and if it goes on too long someone can tell you to get over your self. :) I took a 3 day vacation a few years ago, it was nice but a guilty pleasure for me, and in the end, wanted more but different. One of my day dreams is to go to NYC or Washington DC, for about a month, and just wander and see every sight and sound, that I can on my schedule, on my terms, with out taking any one else into consideration. Of course there would be no money issues, and no time card to punch. :) AHA.........But in the end would still be stressing over something, kids, bills, health list goes on and on.
I find "life" is just more stressful now in every way...Part of it is age, I'm sure, but I really feel that everything about our world is more stressful these days---We know about EVERYTHING that happens practically the second after it happens....It's too much negative information, in my opinion, and you cannot get away from it.....Without going into personal stresses, just the World Stresses are enough to wear you down and wear you out, too.
I woke up this morning around 1:30 and again at 3:30 unable to breathe through my nose and suffering from a severe headache. So maybe some of my tiredness is the fact that I was coming down with a cold. We'll see.
I agree with Naomi, in that life in general is too stress full, the age of instant information is a large overload for a large part of our socity. Some times it's better that we are left in the dark at least for a little bit, sleep, time..can often ease the brunt of what ever is going on that we feel the need to address. After having two angioplasty's done in less than a month my imune system bit the dust. Ended up with broncitus, for a month afterward. And that took the wind out of my sails, physically. Then the yes we are laying off again, the uncertainty of all that going on. Just get it over with already. Be thank full its not the flu..Stay home it's ok to take a sick day. Sleep is a great healer. Love ya.
Hey there. I quit my job I had yesterday and its stressing us out because Jeff's hours went from 65 hours down to a flat 45 hours a week but I couldnt handle the bitch at BK any longer. I am still working on my Etsy site which is at the Bottom of my Blog page for some reason.I cant move it up.. But trying to get that business going and just finding something else.. I have many problems right now and I am afraid of alot of crap. Like losing our house if I dont find more work but its less stressful than going into a job that felt you werent doign enough. And that is what she told me yesterday.. I wasnt trying hard enough for her... Screw that noise. Excuse my language.. I hope all gets better K..
Tweets, it's hard getting a new business going. I'm looking at 3-5 years without making any money on my law firm, which is why I teach to have some sort of salary coming in. If you work at it, look at what the successful people are doing and emulate it, you're bound to get better at it. Hang in there!
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