The National Organization for Marriage (NOM)has been doing a "Summer for Marriage" Tour across the United States. NOM is against gay marriage. The good news is that the people showing up to support gay marriage out number the opponents of gay marriage anywhere from 3:1 up to 8:1. The bad news is that this "Tour" is a call to all the religious crazies and loosely hinged people out there who just need a little moral support to be convinced to do violence in the name of God. See, the Middle East isn't the only place with religious nuts. As far as I'm concerned, if you don't see me attending your church, quit trying to make me obey your religion.
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Does all of this hoopla over who people should be allowed to marry seem at all familiar to anyone?
I think this is riduculous.. i mean it.. Its stupid and just plain assed stupid.. There are so many people that just want to run there lives happy.. Gay or not gay. Come on people.. Give it up for once.. Let those people be happy.. MY MIL is Gay and she is happy. I have no problems with it. my girls stay with her once every few months and they are spoiled to death by grandma's.. they dont ask questions.. they just let it be. we explained best we could to them why grandma doesnt have a man in the house anymore.. it wasnt easy but we did it.. these people just need a cause to make everyone elses life miserable..
You know Tweety, you just might have something there. Some people aren't happy unless they believe they have a cause to live for, fight for, and it doesn't matter if what gives them meaning in their lives, destroys the lives of others. They convince themselves that God needs their help. The last I checked, God was omnipotent and didn't need the assistance of mere mortals. So if God keeps creating gays in the animal kingdom and among humans, he must be putting them here for a purpose, and I don't believe that purpose is for "good" Christians to harass and kill them. That would make God one sick puppy, don't ya think?
Indeed...It's like a replay of sorts....! What is wrong with people???
I think so many people need to feel some kind of power over other people because they feel SO powerless themselves. There are always the down trodden and people who are treated as "less"....Human Nature is really biazrre sometinmes....!
o.k., I will brace myself. I see absolute nothing wrong with, civil unions. Because of convenience or for intimacy, that is an indivual's preference. And do believe that, everyone should be protected under the law and have the same rights as one another, regardless of their, color, race, or sexual preferences. However the way I read the Bible is God created Adam & Eve. Not Adam and Steve. Truly believe (marriage is between a man and a woman) God does not love any one of us any less, and he expects us to love one another period. Do not care what religion a person professes to follow, we are all human. And we should be loving one another not judging one another that's God's job. Just who's business is it who we sleep with any way. I strongly think that people should be able to have legal civil unions, to protect themselves their loved ones whomever that might be as well as their children. Every person on this earth is a sinner, regardless what sin we commit, none is any worse than another in God’s eyes. As far as the religious nuts out there some folks just have to have a cause. If it was not for Gay Marriage , or Abortion. Or as stupid as wearing makeup, or dancing. The nuts would find something to “be nuts about” My intentions are not to offend anyone, however am sure that I have, but would like to explain my belief. Guess my take on this whole issue is, maybe it’s just the verbiage that’s getting used. Gay Marriage vs. Civil Unions, and like a said Civil Unions would cover more people than Gays.
P, appreciate your input and respect your point of view. I don't think any church should be forced to allow gay marriage if it's against their beliefs. Just as I don't think any church should be prevented from performing gay marriages if that's what their congregation believes. I could personally care less about marriage or what they want to call it. I'm just tired of being legally screwed over and financially punished by my government that is supposed to be separate from the church.
Our country was founded on religious beliefs, do not care what they say, it was. Our money even says IN GOD WE TRUST. So at least in my view , nothing has ever been truly separate. Nor am I sure it should be, or can be. But am really tired of being screwed over by the government and corporations, the insurance industry, banks, etc. Do we get a do over. And also think that all the crazies and nuts of every type should go live in TEXAS OR MAYBE MISSISSIPPI, one of those bug infested, hot nasty places. If this seems nasty, I apologize am very tired, and burnt out. Tired of Markets, it’s been stinkin hot.. Am tired of work, there is none of any meaning. IT's getting very old as it's been going on for months now.
Wow guys this a strong topic.. i believe if you are happy let it be. I believe also that if you are happy and you stay together for life you need someone to take care of you and sign papers when you are unable to do so. What about those Gay people who dont have children to sign there papers at the end or admit there partners to the hospital when they are sick? I mean come one people. Just let it go and let these people be happy. I am not real big on Church anyway as i have mentioned on my blog many times. I have been brought with a mother who doesnt believe and never been forced to myself.. I believe there is a higher being but that doesnt stop me from supporting my friends who are what they are. Who they are for that matter.. What they are.. I believe two people who love each other should be together and be happy.. Like VV and M.. if they are happy let it be. I would love to see a wedding between these two and be there when it happened..
Guess that's what am saying, only marriage is between a man and a woman, what wrong with a civil union, to protect whom we choose to protect be gay or not. What if a person is single never married, no children or other family, believe that one can appoint a person, to receive any of the benefits, that are due them. Legally, a persons benefactor, can be whomever is chosen, man woman, or other entity. Basically it boils down to where people want to protect who they care about, their property, or whatever material possessions they leave this world with. As well as enjoy, the benefits of a medical system that is out of touch with everyday people any way. And that is one of the reasons President Obama was elected. To get this mess fixed.
I know of many “Families” that live together, who share expenses, housing, taxes, child rearing responsibilities, etc. Some are of the opposite sex, some are not. Some are family members sisters- or in-laws. Some have a physical relationships with one another, some do not. Bottom line for me is a “family does not have to be gay” to also need the same protections. So Civil Unions, would benefit a lot of folks & would most likely calm the “religious nuts” No matter what not everyone is going to agree. For me this is more of a comprise, because of the belief systems we hold as a nation.
P exactly. People just need to get there crap together and realize this isnt just about the same sex marriages or what nots.. Its about who can take care of you when you are old and want to be taken care of.. I agree with you 100%.. We have so many Mexicans here in Green Bay WI that share living expenses you wonder how they pack that many people in one house.. I have seen where there are two couples in one house with like 5 kids a piece.. Its ridiculous but it works for them.. they are sharing the load together..
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