M and I took a long walk through the neighborhoods tonight and down to Baskin-Robbins for an ice cream dessert after dinner. It was (for a change) wonderfully dry and cool (relatively speaking). It was such a welcome relief that we just had to get outside. On our travels we spotted many, many beautiful yards, gardens and flowers in bloom.

I only had my camera phone on me, so the pictures aren't as clear as I would have liked. They're still pretty though, so I thought I'd share them with you. Enjoy!

And the kitchen looks beautiful too
Still very pretty. It was cooler here than its been a nice relief from hot sticky & muggy. It was down to 46 last night, great sleeping weather. So good you were able to get out and enjoy it, Happy Birthday, and a safe trip.
Love the flowers. They are beautiful.. thanks for sharing.. I have never been to Baskin Robins. I think they took the one we had here out for some reason.. Turned it into another Mexican restuaruant..Oh yes Happy B-day.. Enjoy the weekend if I dont have another post up before then...
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